Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Caring about Our Students


           North Central Theological Seminary cares about its students.  The faculty of North Central Theological Seminary has a rich background in theological education, and in ministry with people of a variety of nationalities and cultures.   Many faculty members of North Central Seminary have earned doctorates, and are published authors.  Several faculty advisors at North Central Theological Seminary are full-time in the administrative office to answer question for students, and guide them in their studies.   
            North Central Theological Seminary cares about its students in countries around the world.  Many of North Central’s students are pastors earning a low income, making it hard to pay full tuition.  The seminary offers scholarships to many of its 3,000 students so that pastors and church workers are able to afford a high quality education in theology.  

            North Central Theological Seminary also cares about its graduates.  Our graduates are serving in the kingdom in many ways.  We are proud to support and encourage our graduates in their ministries, and provide a forum to promote their ministry projects.

            North Central Theological Seminary is a non-denominational, Christian seminary that offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctor’s degrees in theology online to students around the world.   

            North Central Theological Seminary is the place for you to study God’s Word in a formal way online.  Our degrees are well respected by other institutions, and we receive graduates from well-known Bible colleges and seminaries.  


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