Thursday, August 18, 2016

Christian Counseling

            North Central Theological Seminary not only offers online theological degree programs, it is also a place to receive Christian counseling, both for students and all Christians around the world.  Several faculty members at North Central Seminary, including the president, Dr. Philip Jay, have extensive training and experience in counseling.  Sessions are offered through videoconferencing to Christians concerning relationships in general, as well as pre-marital and marriage counseling.  

When Christians need guidance, they want it to come from the Bible.  North Central Seminary’s counseling staff has solid biblical training for counseling, and will consistently focus on what God says in His Word.  While Christians do well to seek counseling from their pastor, or a professional Christian counselor, this format for distance counseling allows you to stay at home for sessions, and also to receive professional counsel at a very affordable price.    

            In addition, North Central Theological Seminary has an online bookstore where Christians can find valuable and practical books, based upon the Bible, to study God’s message about relationships and marriage.  North Central Seminary also has a prayer center at its website, where Christians can post prayer requests, and receive replies.  What a comfort it is to know that Christians around the world are joining you in your prayer requests for the throne of grace.    
            If you are interested in receiving theological training that focuses on becoming equipped to serve as a Christian counselor, North Central Theological Seminary offers Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Christian counseling. 

            Learn more about North Central Seminary’s counseling service at this link:

Statement of Faith

            North Central Seminary is a non-denominational Christian seminary.  Its statement of faith reflects the words of the Apostles Creed, one of Christianity’s 3 ecumenical creeds.

“North Central Theological Seminary believes the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.  We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they who are saved unto the resurrection of life and they who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Unlike seminaries that are serving a specific denomination, North Central Theological Seminary does not have an official doctrinal position beyond the essential and basic teachings as described above.  The faculty of North Central Seminary encourage our students to do critical thinking as they read textbooks and write papers.  That means to examine what they are reading, compare that to what they personally believe, and then explain when there are differences.  Each student at North Central Theological Seminary is encouraged to regularly ask, “What do I believe and why?”  Let the answers always come from God’s Word.  

You can learn more about North Central Seminary at this link:

Why Here?

            You have many choices for an online seminary program, so what makes North Central Theological Seminary an outstanding choice? Consider some of these factors.

            *North Central Seminary has qualified and experienced faculty members who have graduated from regionally accredited universities and seminaries, are accomplished authors, and have firsthand knowledge and experience with a diverse scope of ministries around the world.

            *North Central Seminary has excellent student services, with full-time faculty and staff available by telephone and live chats during normal business hours, and by email and site messaging any time.

            *North Central Seminary has a student satisfaction ratio of 99%.

            *North Central Seminary has distinguished alumni who are faithfully serving in the kingdom and using their theological education from North Central.

            *North Central Seminary has ministry job placement assistance for graduates within the church of Christ or in faith-based NGO’s.

            *North Central Seminary has extensive online library resources, fully accessible to all students.

            *North Central Seminary has extended ministry through counseling and prayer centers, and worldwide Christian news broadcasting.

            *North Central Seminary has a very affordable tuition fee, thanks to the availability of subsidized scholarships.

          At North Central Seminary, almost all of our students are admitted with a subsidized scholarship to help with tuition costs. The exceptions are those affluent students who are serving as pastors in the United States and who have chosen to forego the subsidized scholarship and pay the full tuition of $14,500.00 for their entire degree program as a gesture of seed-planting to express their support for the seminary’s goal of making biblical education affordable to candidates serving under Christian persecution in nations all over the world.

           Learn more about North Central Theological Seminary at this link:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Admission Process

When the admission officer of North Central Theological Seminary receives all the information you have provided in the enrollment process, you will be considered for admission into the degree program you have chosen.  At North Central Theological Seminary, these are the factors that will be considered for your admission. . .

  1. Your agreement with the statement of faith of North Central Theological Seminary, and your expression of Christian maturity and dedication in faithfully pursuing your goals in theological education at North Central Seminary.
  2. Your commitment to dedicating the necessary time and financial resources in pursuing theological education online with North Central Theological Seminary. 
  3. Your general Bible knowledge and ability to express it in English, as confirmed in the evaluation test, part of the enrollment process at North Central Theological Seminary.
  4. Your willingness to provide the necessary educational diplomas or transcripts to the admission office of North Central Theological Seminary to demonstrate your qualifications for pursing the chosen degree.  You will have 90 days from the day of admission to provide these credentials. 
  5.  Your overall eligibility for a scholarship at North Central Theological Seminary, which is based upon your Christian commitment and experience, as well as your demonstrated knowledge and education in the Bible. 
After the admissions officer of North Central Theological Seminary has completed the review of your information, and made decisions about your admission and scholarship qualification, you will receive a letter by email.  The letter will notify you as to whether you have been admitted to North Central Theological Seminary, into the degree program you have chosen.  If your enrollment has been denied, the reasons will be outlined in the letter for you.  If you have been admitted to North Central Theological Seminary, the letter will provide the following information. . .

*the score from your evaluation test
    *the amount of the scholarship granted to you by the scholarship committee of North Central Theological Seminary, and the remaining balance on your tuition
    *your assigned faculty advisor at North Central Theological Seminary, who will be serving you in that capacity throughout your course of study